[MiQP-Mail] MiQP 2013 Missing Counties

David Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Thu Apr 18 18:18:24 CDT 2013

Like many of us, I have been watching the "Planned Operations" page on 
the MiQP web site to see how we're doing in getting all 83 counties 
active for this year's contest.  Now that most of the mobiles have 
published their schedules. a pretty clear picture is emerging and 
perhaps it's time to roust the troops to make sure all 83 are QRV.  
Since K8IR/m stepped up to activate on perennial no-show KEWE (thanks 
Jim!) we might have a decent chance to have them all on the air.

As of Thursday evening (4/18), there are ten Michigan counties without 
planned operations:


It looks like my buddy WR8W and I are planning a part-time mobile trip 
that will put K8CC/m on the air from ALPE and ALCO at the start of the 
contest.  Then we'll head back towards home, hitting IOSC, AREN, BAY, 
SAGI, SHIA, LIVI and finally home in WASH by 5:00 PM.  This should knock 
three off the "missing" list (ALCO, ALPE, and LIVI)

I'm not too worried about BERR and MACO, as these were the #2 and #3 
counties in terms of activity last year.

K8XXX (BARR) and WB8WKQ (LAPE) were plaque winners last year; dunno why 
they're missing this year but I'll prompt them both with e-mails this 
evening to try and get them on, even for just a little while.

That leaves three counties which might end up being no-shows this year: 
ALLE, MCLM and OTTA.  ALLE had no fixed stations last year (only 
mobiles), while MCLM only had K6JSS and he's going elsewhere this year.  
Same with OTTA - W8ZZ/p was the only fixed station and they're going 
elsewhere in 2013.

If anybody knows any hams in these counties, please try to get them on 
the air, if possible.  If any of the mobiles can make a detour to active 
these counties, please consider doing so.

Good luck to everyone this weekend.

73, Dave/K8CC

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